The Mind Body Baby Method



A private transformative experience with me, in my signature 6 month programme to activate the Mama Frequency within, preparing your mind, body and heart to be open and ready to receive and conceive the baby that's always been waiting for you.



I know you can feel lost, alone and broken by the process of trying to conceive and bring home your beautiful baby. 

I know that somewhere along the way the pain of the struggle has caused you to doubt yourself, your body and to question if it will ever be possible for you to be a mum.
I created the Mind Body Baby Method for you.
I want you to know you are not broken, your body is not broken, the dream you have of welcoming a baby is on your heart because your beautiful baby waiting for you.
I have supported hundreds of women just like you bring home their baby after years of struggle and heartache. 
My signature Mind Body Baby Method has helped over 200 women with a 85% success rate. 
My desire for you is to do the same. 


This is the experience where you will reconnect to your power, your fertility and your belief of what is possible for you, as you prepare you mind and body to welcome your long awaited baby.



My Mind Body Baby Immersion will support you to find you again, so you get to move forward having released the struggle, the stories, the limiting beliefs and the fear. 


The MBB Method will meet you where you are and together we will uncover why your body might believe its not safe to welcome your baby right now. This is what I see is almost all of the women I have supported to end their struggle with infertility. And it's the piece that no fertility clinic considers, so many couples go through multiple rounds of treatment and begin to believe its not possible for them to welcome a baby.


The truth is this was never about whether your body could or couldn't welcome a baby and what we should really have been asking is why is she not ready to receive and conceive your baby. Why does your beautiful wise, fertile body feel like she needs to protect you from pregnancy.  


So let's create the space to listen, to reconnect to your Fertility, your Power, Pleasure and Potency. Together will remove any blocks or stories from your subconscious or energy field so your body knows its now safe to do what she has been waiting for, what you have been waiting for. To welcome the baby that has always been there.


Let's prepare your mind and body to receive and conceive your beautiful baby.

This Is Exactly What I Need!

This Immersive Experience is for you if you are ready to;


Create space for yourself and the baby that is waiting. Reconnecting to your radiance, free from the distraction and any pressure or fears or doubts that have crept into the journey to welcoming your baby.
To return to and remember the sacred power of your womb, the space that will hold and grow your baby.
In the expansiveness and potential of our Immersive Days you get to create space from the frantic thoughts and "what if's" you get to bring a lightness back into your journey, to allow the MBB method to deeply nourish you on all levels. 
You already have everything you need within, your baby is waiting for you, they have already ready chosen you. 


Your feelings of overwhelm, doubt, fear and frustration and brokenness are just an invitation to come home to yourself, to mother yourself first in the mama frequency, held in your unconditional love that is here for your baby.


What The Mind Body Baby Immersion Will Help You Experience! 


You feel a deep sense of calm, knowing that motherhood is possible for you. You feel excited for the future and connected to your Mama Frequency. 


You are in deep trust with your body and you hold an unshakeable belief in what your beautiful body can do.


You feel like YOU, you are connected to your joy, your aliveness, your sensuality, your power. You feel in control of yourself and this allows you to loosen your grip and find flow and fun again. 


You know you are whole, complete and enough exactly as you are, you know your baby has chosen you and they are on their way to meet you. 


You know that motherhood is not a sacrifice, it's the exact opposite the journey to and through motherhood is a powerful portal that births the next evolution of you.  


You know you are already a Mama and you are preparing to welcome your baby.

My Signature Mind Body Baby Method Immersion includes:


  • An initial consultation to create a bespoke plan for you. 
  • Luxury Immersion online or in person creating space to reset and reactivate your radiance.
  • 6 months of ongoing, tailored online support that will give your body the best chance of conceiving naturally or through IVF.
  • Fertile Embodiment to move you out of struggle and into ease. Unraveling the stress, releasing the anxiety and fear, inviting you to reclaim your calm. 
  • Powerful Fertility Activation Codes to open and realign your body and mind to conceive. These energy activation codes will remove energetic blocks to conception, leaving you feeling calm, relaxed and connected to the baby that is waiting for you. 
  • Fortnightly 1:1 sessions created around your needs.
  • Telegram support, have me in your pocket! For the questions or the wobbles that come up between our sessions you can message me for guidance or support. 


If you are ready to stand in your most powerful, potent mothering energy to call in the baby that’s waiting for you, I am ready to guide you. 

Your Investment:

6 Month MBB Immersion and Integration


Payment plans available

A transformational luxury experience that includes 2 Day Online or In person Retreat, to support you to activate and accelerate your journey to motherhood, allowing you too feel deeply nourished, held and resourced as you call into the baby that is waiting for you. 


Client Testimonials

I feel incredibly lucky to have found Amy and the Mind Body Baby Method to support me with both my cycle management and, the emotional struggles I was going through trying to get pregnant.

Amy offered me a safe place where I could finally talk and express how I was really feeling about my fertility struggles and her support made me feel less alone and overwhelmed with it all. Amy helped me feel much more optimistic and hopeful and I believe had a hand in making pregnancy become a reality for me.

I would highly recommend working with Amy she helped me so much and I believe she and the Mind Body Baby Method are the reason I have my beautiful baby girl.

I honestly don’t know what I would have done without Amy. I was really struggling to cope with the fact we were having problems trying to conceive. Amy was so good at helping me to uncover the things that were blocking me for conceiving and working with me to clear these. The biggest thing for me was being able to open up to Amy about all my fears and concerns, making time for me and understanding my cycle more as I thought I really knew my body.

Amy is the queen of calm and I would recommend anyone to work with her when trying to conceive. I truly believe I wouldn’t be where I am now without all of your help!

I’ll never be able to thank you enough for supporting us to welcome my baby!

Amy had a way of gently and discretely preparing my mind and body into believing that it is worthy of all the things I thought it wasn’t. She gave me hope when I had none and I will never be able to thank her enough. 

I have made a true friend in Amy and would 100% recommend anyone who is struggling with infertility work with her - you will not leave disappointed! Amy and The Mind Body Baby Method have given us the greatest gift in our baby boy.

Miracles really do happen 💫